Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Christmas!

Here are some holiday pictures of NYC that I took last night! See you next week:

The Rock Center Christmas Tree - it really is something to see.
(Sorry for the rhyme)

This is how the day started - the view from my home and the snow that has
kicked off our winter. It was great!

This is Donald Trump's Christmas tree - in case
you were wondering.

Rock Center ice skaters

Rock Center - so pretty this time of year.

Cartier - Chris didn't want to go inside and shop...
But they did wrap the building.

Outside of The Plaza - at the left of this picture was a guy dressed
as Santa. He yelled to me "Hey Lady, Merry Christmas!" I yelled back!

From Me & Chris - we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

Till Next year, this is all the news that's fit to knit!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Charlie's Tree

We got Charlie Brown's Tree! I love this sad little tree and nothing says Christmas like A Charlie Brown Christmas. It's such an awesome show!

I have finished not one, but two hats for Christmas presents. I knit up my usual design for the skull cap. I've taken a picture of Chris wearing his, but it's so stinking dark you can't see a thing! Next sunny day, I'll pin him down for replacement pics. I knit a matching hat for my new BIL. He deserves one. He's had a hard year.

I'm hoping this week will blow right by so that we can get on with being on Christmas vacation and visiting with our family. I miss my family and I can't wait to get together with them for some fun. As my nephew would say it's time for the "The Festival of Treats" --we know how to do it up!

Till later, it's all the news that's fit to knit!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Memory

The holidays are an interesting time. I really love this time of year, but it makes me nostalgic too. I put on some holiday music this afternoon while I was working and in a finger snap I was home - I was in my parents family room laughing and dancing with my father and singing this stupid song at the top of my lungs along with my brother while my mother fussed with drinks and snacks and we decorated the tree. It was a fantastic moment.

The holidays have had a transformation over the last ten years. One generation has passed on and our new traditions are taking hold and becoming a lot of fun. But every now and then, I think back to the people who made the first part of my life so special and I miss them. I'm sad, but not so sad that I don't remember how excellent that time was and look forward to the coming holidays.


In other news, I'm trying to finish some holiday knitting and like every year, I'm falling more and more behind. I hope I'll make it! At least everyone has a birthday every year ! : )

Till tomorrow with pictures, this is all the news that's fit to knit!

Sunday, December 07, 2008


This year, we finally upgraded our Christmas tree from a tabletop size to a 6' tree. I really love this tree, it's nice to be able to show off our tree ornaments properly. I won't even begin to tell you where I got this tree - it's way too low brow, but I love it. It's an artificial tree, I've long since given up the need to have a real tree. We've had a boxed up tree since I was a teen and I've been fine with that.

Here is our cheap but tasty Christmas tree that will be serving us for many years to come:

I even got a new ornament - it's a knitter's ornament, you knit wit!

The other night I tried out a new recipe. It's a cream sauce for pumpkin tortellini. It was so good that night, that I made the sauce again with mushrooms and penne this time. It will probably take a year off of my life, but I'm hoping that it was year 98 and I wouldn't have been all that aware of that one...just look at the cast of characters in this little dinner:

Last night, Chris and I went into Manhattan for some Christmas shopping. We hit all of our SoHo favorites (though we missed The Strand in favor of Pommes Frite* - I had the peanut satay sauce, oh lord. So good. Oh, I had two other sauces, but we won't talk about that). Then we hit the big shops set up in Union Square - so awesome! And then we went to the movies. We had a great night. We walked out of the theater and into a snow globe. The time that I love the city is when it snows! At least, the first snow. After that, it goes back to being pretty filthy.

It's a big football night for people like me. The Steeler's squeaked out a win and I've got another game to keep my eye on...I'm going to start on some more holiday knits as I watch each down. I hope you are somewhere warm feeling as comfy and happy as I am tonight. Except for my evil, awful, vicious neighbors who are making an un-godly amount of noise today. Sigh.

Till next time, it's all the news that's fit to knit!

*A landmark NYC eatery, Pommes Frite's makes delicious Belgian French Fries and they offer a slew of amazing dipping sauces. You can have one sauce like C. or three like me. Hmmm. We get to go to Pommes Frite about once every five years, so why not get three sauces? You won't get anymore for awhile. Go on. People will look at you. You should just look right back. They're amatures. You're brilliant! And Happy!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving 2008!

When good knits go bad - find another use for them...I knit the biggest freaking beret in the world a few weeks ago. I'd show you a picture of it on me, but you'd just see it coming down to my chin. It's a bad picture. So, I used super wash wool on it, so there's no felting and no shrinking, but it turns out that my toaster is french and needed a french beret - so, there you go! I new cover for our toaster! Whew!

Chris asked me for a new hat - one that would cover his ears better for this winter. I cast on for my normal rolled brim hat. He likes the skull cap kind of hat with just a tad more length. The light is washing out the color on this wool - it's a rich, dark black. I love it. I hope C. will too!

This is my Christmas knitting pile. We're getting there. The scarf (and I have three other scarves too) and the fingerless knits should make great stocking stuffers. I hope folks will love these. Check out the cool crock that Kelly, Dani and Heather gave me for the wedding. I love it!

Here's a better look at the cables on the mitts. The pink shows them off nicely and I think they're the sweetest little cables that really give the mitts some polish.

Lots and lots of knitting happening here at chez Yarnal Knowledge. I also need to make some pies tonight. I'm making pumpkin! I have a secret ingredient. I love having a secret ingredient! It's so...secret!

So until next week - I wish you all a very thankful Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. I think I love it because I really, really, really know how lucky I am. I can't believe Chris married me. I can't believe how cool my mom is and my brother and his family are so awesome. My in-laws are the best and I love them so much - I've got the best friends in the world. I have a warm bed, a good job and the ability to knit. I'm a lucky gal. Enjoy your blessings this year too!

Until then, it's all the news that's fit to knit!

Monday, November 17, 2008


The fingerless mitts that I started in an effort to revive my delicate self from the mouse incident, have turned out to be fantastic. Here's an image of one of them. Doncha love the cables? I finished this brown pair, started a pink pair and have decided that I need a pair in black. I wore them today and they rocked. They kept my hands warm, but allowed me to use my fingers for important things like, iPod surfing, key operation and signature making.

I think these will be stuffed in atleast four stockings this Christmas. Yay!

Mouse update:

Haven't seen one since the last update. We found the traps that I wanted that lure the mouse in and then hide their little carcases away from me. They are in place and seem to be remining empty (so far). Of course, since I wrote this last paragraph, I've thought I'd heard the mouse twice. I've checked once and resisted once. Stay tuned.

So the needles are full of fingerless mitts! C. says that no man would be caught dead wearing them with their fancy cables. He's getting coal.

Till next time, it's all the news that's fit to knit!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

And it goes on!

War has been waging here at casa de Yarnal and so far the tally is:
Us: 1 and the Mouse: 0

We lay our trap last night and no more than fifteen minutes later the all knowing sound of the snap - that sounds seems to echo to your little ears no matter where you are in the house. Lucky for me, my wonderful husband is willing to be the person in our house who handles the after the "snap" aftermath. He really doesn't have a choice - I won't go near it.

I've been thinking about who's actually winning this war. This is what my kitchen looks like right now:

The other side of the kitchen (hey, I live in NYC - I'm rocking the galley kitchen like everyone else!)

As a result of this awful intruder, I've had to store all of the appliances that you would normally find on the counter top. In NYC, space is at a premium and it hurts me deeply to surrender this space to a furry little squatter. Besides, doesn't that beautiful Artisan mixer just scream to be on display? I loooove it!
I feel the need to store the appliances because I know the little mice run along the wall and counter - where the back of each appliance is. I've had to sanitize all of the backs of each appliance (some had poop on them!) every day that we had a mouse encounter. The mouse has worn me down - and here I am, giving up my space:

In an effort to comfort myself, I have started on a pair of fingerless gloves, using a pattern from Knitty called "Fetching". It's been a very popular knit in the knit-o-universe, so I dug into the stash and came up with some chocolate / chestnut Patons Classic Wool Merino. Excellent!

Wish me luck tonight. C. is kind enough not to set traps while I'm working from home. The trauma of finding one that is occupied would prove to be far too much.
Till tomorrow, that's all the news that's fit to knit!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Of Mice and Me

We have mice again. I hate mice. I think about them before I go to sleep - in my kitchen, on my counter tops. In the morning I find their poo behind the microwave - oh they love it behind the microwave. They love it over by my brand new wedding present glory that is the Artisan Stand Mixer. They love the corner behind the sink - they love my kitchen.

You must understand that I have done my best to make our kitchen totally unappealing to mice. No food, no crumbs, no water. So tell me, if there is no food, no water, no stuff to build a nest with - what are you doing in my kitchen? It's a barren place - it is a desert to a mouse. So what gives? Why come back? I'm finding no other evidence of mice in the rest of the house.

I hate the city! I've lived in the suburbs for most of my life with nary a mouse encounter save for the back yard. Here in the city, on the third floor of an apartment building, I'm lousy with them. I need a cat! If only C. would let me get a cat!

If these mice start messing with my yarn, we're moving faster than C. thinks!

Till tomorrow, it's all the news that's fit to knit.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I miss you daddy!


Sunday, November 09, 2008


Oh - you read this blog for knitting? My deep apologies, dear friends, I have been knitting, but have also been sidetracked by things like writing wedding thank you notes, the election, a foray into scrap booking for the wedding and NaNoWriMo - which is going better than I thought it would be. But I have been knitting. In fact, see the below scarf which I'm calling "the oopsey scarf" because I meant to do a totally different stitch pattern that I adapted from a book, but realized about six inches into it that I'd made the mistake and that I loved the mistake. I just love those kinds of things, don't you?

This is made from SeaCell Yarn, gifted to me by my mother-in-law. It's seaweed, wool and silk and it is the most wonderful thing you've ever wrapped around your neck. I should give it to her for Christmas, but I've been wearing it around the house since it came off of the needles:

This week, I'll show you a knitting failure...if I can bring myself to. It's a tale of why you really should check your gauge, or risk wasting five knitting days on a beret that could fit three heads. But when you walk on the knitting edge like me, you take those risks and sometimes you end up with a giant beret that even your friend with the biggest head you've ever seen couldn't wear.

Also this week, or next weekend, I'm pulling out the sewing machine to make a new table cover and possibly something else. It's time to learn to use that machine the right way. We're headed home to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving and I might need to have a session with mom and Rachel. Threading the damn thing makes me sweat (and swear).

Till then, it's all the news that's fit to knit! (and it's Steeler Sunday! GO STEELERS!)

Thursday, November 06, 2008

And Next...

Well, now that the election is done and the country is looking toward the future, I figure it's time to get back to business of blogging here. I'd like to show you some knitting, but I need some sunlight to make something you can see - hopefully tomorrow. In the mean time, here's a picture of my kitchen cabinet. I show you this because you can see some of the amazing North Carolina pottery that was gifted to us for our wedding. Sadly, the potter who was a dear friend, passed away before the wedding, but not after making us this entire set of dishes. We really love them. The green plates were Chris' grandmother's and he's spent half a lifetime of Sundays eating with his family from them. It's a happy cabinet, full of fond and happy memories. Of course, the carrot shaped timer, that's just from Target!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Wow, wow, wow...what an amazing night and day this has been in America. I was overwhelmed by the President-elect's speech last night. No matter where your vote came down, aren't you thrilled to be living in a country where you had the choices you had yesterday? Aren't you glad to be in a country where anything is possible? I know I am. I'm really happy today to be an American and to be alive in the midst of historical change in this country.

Back to knitting tomorrow - go hug your neighbor today.

For now, it's all the news that fit to knit.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Just a friendly reminder dear blog readers, be sure to vote today. Don't tell me who you're voting for or who you're not voting for, but seriously - just get out there and let your voice be heard. A lot people sacrificed a lot so that you can do this - be sure to cast your vote and be a part of this historical election today.

C. and I have already voted this morning and it felt great. The mood in the hour-long line was one of excitement and hope for a better future. I hope you'll feel the same when you pull the lever, touch the screen or punch the chad.

The lines are long, so grab a coffee, grab some portable knitting, or do like me and grab your spouse and enjoy some time hanging out together in line.

For now, it's all the news that's fit to knit!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We carved up our pumpkin this week - I love this guy! For some strange reason, I think he needs a cigar!

Here's our Mr. Potato Head pirate pumkin. This was a great idea - for about two days...then I discovered the was gross! But for those two days, we just loved this guy. I think these do better sitting outside on a cold front stoop - something that doesn't really exist in Brooklyn.

People often ask me when I'm home what we do for Halloween in the city. Since trick-or-treating isn't the safest in apartment buildings, the neighborhood that I live in throws a giant parade and the kids trick-or-treat to all of the businesses down the main drag of Park Slope. It's a genius idea when you think about it - ensuring that the kids are safe and anyone with a costume can march in the parade. We go to see the costumes on kids, adults and the dogs! It's always a blast. I hope you have a great Halloween too!

Knitting - I finished my "mistake" scarf and I'm decreasing on a grey beret for the upcoming winter. Pictures and notes to come! Till then, it's all the news that's fit to knit! Spooky!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Some Pictures

Here we are - married!

I wore my Granny's ring - she wore it in her wedding and my mom wore it in hers as a something blue.

My brother in law and my husband

The other number 1 guy in my life!

My lovely flowers

Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008


I know I’ve been absent from this blog for a few weeks – I was waiting to be able to post some wedding pictures, but it turns out that my photographer is taking some major time in getting that CD to me – when I get them, you’ll get to see them. In the meantime, I’m trying not to worry about the fact that even though our government just pushed a gazillion dollars into the market, the markets are still falling. I keep reminding myself that while the world holds its breath, my panic won’t affect anyone but me – and maybe my husband (who hates when I panic). So, I’m just going to have another cup of coffee and tell you a little about the Finger Lakes.

If you travel to the Finger Lakes region of New York, which I encourage you to do; you should try to arrive during the daylight hours. The beauty of your destination should be seen as soon as possible and will be a reassurance that I have not led you astray by sending you to this vacation spot.

Some might tell you that the Finger Lakes is for wine lovers and while this is true, it’s also so much more. We really enjoyed the wine trail, but we had so many options of things to do, that I think families of all ages would enjoy the trip. As for a honeymoon destination, I couldn’t recommend it more. My new husband and I spent hours together in the car gazing upon beautiful scenery and out of the car having new experiences. We had full days and lovely evening dinners.

One of my favorite experiences during our time in the Finger Lakes was visiting the Corning Glass Factory. It was a short drive from Lake Seneca and it was so worth the the time away from the lakes and the wine. We arrived at the parking kiosk and boarded a free shuttle to the factory. The shuttle takes you to several locations in the Corning area and though we only had time for the visit to the Glass Factory, our reading about Corning’s incredible Main Street America made it sounds like a place where you could spend several days.

The Glass Factory is full of interesting things. We signed up to take a glass blowing class and to tour the factory itself. We attended demonstrations and we saw some of the most of the beautiful glassware ever! As a girl whose mother has taught her to look for milk glass, Westmoreland glass and Depression glass at every flea market she passes, I was fascinated by the history of glass that was on display to the public.

Both Chris and I were able to go to the lab at our scheduled time by making a quick walk across the Corning campus. Once inside we had the option of choosing several things to make – we both chose to make Christmas tree ornaments. During our first vacation together last year to Lake George, we started a tradition of buying a tree ornament on every trip. We’d thought these would be beautiful memories of our honeymoon – we were right. We worked one on one with our glass lab director to blow the glass. It was so much fun and about a week and half after we returned from our honeymoon, our ornaments arrived on our doorstep. We love them and can’t wait to put them on this year’s tree!

Of the three lakes we visited, Cayuga, Seneca and Keuka we’ve decided that we love Keuka the best. It was hard not to stop at every vacation home with a for sale sign on it and make an offer. The smallest of the three lakes that we visited, it was the most intimate. The great thing about all of these lakes is that it’s easy to drive all the way around them in one afternoon. Keuka makes you want to linger more than any of the other lakes – maybe because it’s most visible from the road and offers several places to pull off and take pictures or smooch for awhile. It is also home to Dr. Frank’s Vinifera Wines. It is a “don’t miss” destination on Keuka Lake.

Dr. Frank’s is the reason that we chose the Finger Lakes as our honeymoon destination – it’s another story for another blog entry, but I am confident in telling you that upon arrival at Dr. Frank’s, you’ll know that you’re some place special. The drive to get there is off the beaten path and as you turn onto the dirt roads, just remember that grapes like dirt – it makes sense that it’s a away from the cars and the day-to-day life. You’ll be so impressed as you turn into the drive and take in the view across the road – the grapes, the trees, the beautiful view of the lake – it’s so dramatic. To have that as the view from your office, well, Keuka Lake residents, let me just tell you that it’s far better than my crappy view of an alley in Brooklyn. You can really take that deep breath at Dr. Frank’s – it’s quiet and serene, if I were a grape, I think I’d be very happy there too. The people were terrific, the wine varieties were tremendous and we bought nearly a case of various wines before we left. Can’t bring ourselves to find the appropriate occasion to open a bottle; though we know it’s foolish to save some of them for too long.
So - the pictures in this post don't exactly match the text, but I just wanted you to see some of the beauty of the region. More are coming in another post along with more info on the great trip we had!
Till then, it's all the news that's fit to knit!

Monday, September 22, 2008


We are so married! I can't believe it happened, but it did. The day was magic and I wish that everyone in the whole world could feel this happy.
We'll post a wedding picture once we get them, but here we are on our honeymoon, properly hitched!
Love ya,

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

That's it - I'm out!

This is it - I catch my flight home to get married! I leave tonight. So, next time I blog ya, I'll be a married lady!

For now, it's all the news that's fit to knit!


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

It's September

It's September. How on earth can it be September? It's September 2. I'm getting married soon, really freaking soon. It just hit me today how soon that is! It's really freaking soon in case you were counting.

We had a good Labor Day weekend - it was busy, but we got a lot done. This coming weekend our friends from Ireland arrive. I'm supposed to work this week (how do I concentrate on work???) and I need to pack.

I've gotta go. More later!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


My garter knit is done. It was a fun little knit. It feels like a bit of a failure as I can't find elastic for it in NYC. Isn't this the fashion fucking capitol of the world? No elastic. I can't bring myself to pay shipping on $1.69 of elastic from JoAnn's. So this will have to be done again when I've had time to go to PA and buy some elastic for it. Too bad - we aren't doing a garter toss anyway, so no big loss.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Alphabet Meme

I’m watching the coolest chicks on the planet, Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh kick Olympic beach volleyball butt and just messing around on the innertubes…so here we are:

A. Attached or single? Getting married in 23 days! What does that make me? Technically still single I guess. But I do have a marriage license!
B. Best friend? My fiancé
C. Cake or pie? I like fruit pies with ice cream better than cake.
D. Day of choice? I’m a Saturday morning kinda gal – the whole weekend seems so free and clear and long on Saturday mornings.
E. Essential item? Knitting or a book; I think books win out.
F. Favorite color? I like blues, greens, white.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears
H. Hometown? Pittsburgh, PA
I. Indulgence? Some dear friends of ours own a restaurant in Westchester NY and going there to eat Pascal’s cooking is one of the greatest indulgences in my life. I literally eat that meal with my eyes half closed from savoring. My other indulgence? People magazine when I fly. I just need it.
J. January or July? January
K. Kids? Maybe some day
L. Life isn’t complete without? My fiancé, football season, good friends and good beer.
M. Marriage date? September 13, 2008
N. Number of brothers & sisters? One brother, he’s a punk! And I love him.
O. Oranges or apples? apples
P. Phobias? Mice in the house. I really hate them in my house – outside is fine, inside not so much.
Q. Quotes? “Fall down seven times, get up eight”
R. Reasons to smile? Oh, holy cow – I’m so stinking blessed! I have every reason on earth to smile. I’m getting married to the best guy who despite everything loves the stuffing out of me. I’ve got a healthy family, a good job and a roof over my head. I’m doing just fine.
S. Season of choice? Fall
T. Tag seven peeps! Won’t do it! If you want it, take it!
U. Unknown fact about me? I secretly want to be in a rock band. Guitar Hero is arriving tomorrow via UPS – I will rock! Ask my friends from college, I was the original Langham Hall deejay jazzy kris and the fresh me, spinning discs on my cd.player. So stinking dorky!
V. Vegetable or Potatoes? Potatoes (but I loooove veggies!)
W. Worst habits? Being a “Reactor / Reactionary” I’m working on it.
X. X-ray or ultrasound? Seriously, how about x-files or Gilmore girls for this question? I’d rather skip both of these please, cue my Gilmore Girls.
Y. Your favorite food? Anything Pascal cooks (order the mussels, the basa fish and extra rolls and extra Merlot trust me). I love too much food. It’s why I’m chubby.
Z. Zodiac sign? Pieces

Monday, August 18, 2008

Cake Topper

I've been actively looking for a cake topper since January. Yeah, eight months. I finally found my cake topper soul mate.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Favorite Things Friday ( A Little Late)

It's been more than busy here at Chez YarnalKnowledge and I even missed favorite things Friday. These are my favorite measuring spoons. I found them in a little shop in my hometown and fell in love right away. I love the chickens on the top, I love the sunflowers on the inside of the spoons. They are awesome!
Till next time, it's all the news that's fit to knit.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Key Lime Time

Right around C.'s birthday I was shopping in the supermarket when I ran into a bag of key limes. Real Key Limes! I have to admit, I'd never, in all of my 32 short years encountered an actual in-real-life key lime. I've been to Florida Keys, I've eaten Key Lime Pie, I've had drinks calling themselves key lime drinks, I've used the key lime in de coconut bath and body works shower scrub, on and on and on, but a real key lime? Never!

Here ya go - lemme just tell ya, if you know a good physical therapist, contact him/her prior to making your own from-scratch Key Lime Pie - as juicing these babies is a true pain in the wrist!

This is my Brooklyn kitchen - highlights: you'll recognized my favorite things Friday mixing bowl (it's actually a set of three - so you'll see another in this pic), you'll see my cool new microwave that is actually also a grill - it's funky! And the cool new spice rack we got for a shower present (love you Martha Stewart! and JoAnn for purchasing it for us!). You'll also see my favorite depression glass juicer - I scored that baby at the church yard sale for $3 in 1996. It was love at first site. Can you see my sheep and chicken? (see top of microwave) and the most precious thing is in the lower left hand corner...the dishwasher - a rare and exotic thing in a pre-war New York City apartment. We're very lucky.
This is a closer look at my depression glass juicer with a key lime in action. That's a no-slip thing underneath it. Those little limes we're a real bear to squeeze by hand, but man was it worth it when C. sliced into this:
Deelish! Knitting for the garter is almost done - I may be subbing yarn shortly...and I need some elastic....but till tomorrow, that's all the news that's fit to knit. Next time on cooking with Yarnal, Fruit Pie! YAY!
PS - I took the juice of about 15 key limes, egg yolks, sugar, etc...and mixed and poured into a graham craker crust and then in the oven...if you want my receipe, PM me and I'll be happy to share!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Slip and Fall Friday

They've been filming in my apartment building yesterday and today. Of course, I was trekking out of our apartment for some provisions at the bodega down the street when I had to pass a crew member on our narrow marble steps. I was, of course, wearing totally impractical summer sandals and just as a go pass this film crew dude, I slipped. I fell. I fell all the way down the steps on my butt - which is ample and should've provided much padding, but it didn't. I can barely sit today. Le Sigh. What a freaking klutz! I hope they didn't get it on film.

I am ready to cast on for the Olympics tonight! I Just need to wind my seacell yarn.

Are you ok? You're clutching your heart? Why? Oh, you're in disbelief that any knitting content is on this knit blog? I don't blame you. Take a few deep breaths. It's true, I am knitting!

(I also understand that some of the knit readers are just clutching their chests over the seacell. I understand, my future mother-in-law gave me this yarn for Christmas. I can't wait to use it. 70% wool, 30% Seacell! YAY!).

I'm making the Eloping garter from Knitty. I'm looking forward to wearing some kind of hand knit for the wedding too. I'm so glad this came out right in time for my wedding. Thank you designer Abigail van Roode and Kristi Geraci!

Keeping up with Favorite things Friday, here's one of my favorite mixing bowls. I love it because it has high sides and I can't splash with the mixer, no matter how hard I try. It also has built in non-slip bottom. I really dig it.
So, we're all about the Olympics now! Enjoy the opening ceremonies. I'm going to go take an advil, my butt hurts - but not as badly as my pride.
Till next time, that's all the news that's fit to knit!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Favorite Things Friday

My mom gave these to me for a shower gift. Salt n Peppah shakers on a little leaf - it matches my whole Macy's Martha Stewart theme I've got going on.
These are so sweet, I can hardly wait to salt n' peppah things!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Ok dudes, I'm feeling much better after getting everything out last night. Thank goodness for blog confessions - it helps you keep it real. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to be stress free - I'm not sure anyone ever is. But I'm doing some reading on simplifying my life - but more on that another day.

Today, we're talking about honeymooning. C. will tell you that the week after our wedding is not an "official" honeymoon. We'll be traveling to Europe next year once he a. procures his updated passport b. we have time off again c. we have money again (this wedding is a huge money-suck).

Until then, we're hitting the Finger Lakes! We're off to Lake Seneca, the Toganenwood Estate B&B and something called "The Wine Trail" (that sounds so lovely right now!)

The pictures posted here are from our B&B's website. We'll post a review upon our return...

So far, so good though - the proprietor seems so lovely and she told me about this little beauty:

It's a "Champagne Bath Tub" and it's right in my room! Apparently it isn't the typical jacuzzi tub, but rather it creates a gazillion champagne bubbles to surround you and relax you. I plunked my credit card down on this room with this tub faster than you can say "stressed much?"

So we've been reading Great Destinations - a complete guide to The Finger Lakes Book (3rd edition, Dyson). We're really happy with the book, it seems to give the History, Lodging, culture, dining, recreation, etc... Can't wait!

Now to find out where they keep their knitting shops!

Till tomorrow, it's all the news that's fit to knit!