Who did I spend the day with? Oh yeah - it wasn't a baaaad day at all! Hanging out at a place that I am lovingly calling the "Yarn Farm" and browsing through the fruits of this guy's (and several of his friends) labor. Doesn't look like he has a hard life, does it? Trust me, this little guy and his pals are doing all right.
My friend Jen called me a few weeks ago to tell me that she had secured an invitation to a private yarn sale and asked if I'd like to go.
Would I? Oh yeah. So we packed up the men and headed to the super-secret location to a once a year only private yarn sale. I went into sensory overload when I came in contact with these yards and yards of hand spun, hand dyed wool happiness. Knitters of the world, just take a moment to close your eyes and picture yourself in a field that is absolutely packed with bins like these, full of wool and cotton and silk and brillant colors and you're given a bag to fill as full as you want for one very, very, very low price. I can't tell you how happy I am that I bought that station wagon two weeks ago. So much room for yarn!
So here I am - on this wonderful farm, with the sheep looking sleepy and completely unconcerned that their old coats have been spun up and dyed and are being carted off by delirious and light headed knitters - who have developed odd and glossy stares as they walk away from the yarn farm with a filled bag of goodness (truth be known, some knitters walked away with several bags of happiness. Who needs therapy when places like this exist?)
Blogger is being a pain in the ass again and only giving me three picture uploads. Later tonight, I'll upload pictures of my personal haul (it's a thing of beauty). And for the record, I did ride home with skein of handpainted yarn in my lap and I do think that's normal. :)
P.S. See that bag I'm holding? It got a lot fuller than that before then end of the day! So check back for pictures.
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