Thursday, April 02, 2009

A New Look For Spring and an update for you

that the signing of the new lease will be on Saturday. C. and I are looking forward to the amenities of our new condo. I am especially looking forward to the private in-our-home washer and dryer. I am forcing C. to ration his clean clothes until the 10th when we gain possession of the new residence. I'm not paying another dime for the laundry mat! The minute they drop that key into my hot little hand I'll be running up the stairs with my laundry bag in tow.

Darren noted about the pictures, here's a few more - from the property website. Pictures of me kissing my washing machine are forthcoming...not sure if C. will allow them to be published to the world...
This is the view into the kitchen / hallway, spiral staircase to the office:

This is a view while you're up in the loft. I looooove the skylights. I love that they open and I imagine that they will let in gentle spring breezes.

In Personal News...
Things have been going really well. I'm reading Joyce Meyer's book "Battlefield of the Mind" and am learning so, so much. When you purpose to change your thinking from negative to positive, your entire life can change. That's exciting stuffs! I know this has nothing to do with knitting, but when you feel your life changing, it's exciting.

In the world of knitting... I finished the shawl and I love it! It's going to my niece Riley for her birthday in October. Remind me of that, ok? Send to Riley in October...

Till later, that's all the news that's fit to knit!

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