Knitting through it all :: A blog about knitting and my life from our new perch in North Carolina.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
For Real
I just found out through facebook that an old friend from high school has passed away. I haven't spoken to this friend in years, but when we were in school we were really good friends. In fact, he once bought me a teddy bear - a bear that has been a favorite from the moment he was given to me. My friend even named the bear and there are times when I'm making up the bed and putting James da bear on my pillow that this friend comes to mind. I'm so sorry he's gone. 32 is far too young to leave the world and its far too young to feel that life is not a joy.
Though my heart is heavy I believe and so I am not afraid for him.
In knitting news, my mother in law asked for a hand knit scarf as a Christmas present - I love that woman! She loves a hand knit and I really appreciate that! She's a fellow knitter / crafter and an overall awesome lady. I hit the the inlaw jackpot - just love em!
Till tomorrow, this is all the news that's fit to knit.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A Tip of My Hat
Veterans Day is tough for me because it marks the anniversary of my dad's death. I woke up this morning to remember that it has been twelve years today since I've spoken to my dad. I miss him so much and though I am finally starting to get on with my life after such a devastating event, I don't think I'll ever be truly over it. I have finally embraced the idea that knowing my dad, he wouldn't want me to live focused on this. He'd want me to live the happiest life I can. In honor of him, I'm trying to do just that. It took me a long time to get here.
Tomorrow: knitting that I'm doing, knitting that I'm planning and other stuff. For now, this is all the news that's fit to knit.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Scarf Weather

The weekend was beautiful and we had a bunch of trick or treaters. It was so much fun! This is the first year for us having anyone come to the door, so we were pleased. Sadie wore her pumpkin outfit and ended up so tired at the end of the night:

For now, this is all the news that fit to knit.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Rocking Rhinebeck and Other Things...

So....I went to Rhinebeck this year! It was a beautiful Saturday and C. agreed to a beautiful drive up north (it took us about 1.5 hours to get there from home). The fall colors were lovely and the yarn fantastic! Mr. Sheepie (pictured above) agrees!

The Spinningroom was offering these kits and here's a great little kit I picked for fingerless mitts and a neck warmer. I can't wait to get stitching!

And finally, finally! I am the owner of two socks that rock skeins and a str pattern. I've heard the hype and I can finally find out for myself if it's true! I'm looking forward to knitting these up for all of my holiday traveling. Can't wait!
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Welcome back to me and updates
For three weeks I have been stalking that garage – when I heard a car outside, I’d run to the window to see who might be pulling into the garage. As the weeks went by I was sure that someone ahead of us on the wait list had been given the garage. Chris and I talked about it and decided that too much time had gone by and that there was no way the unit was available. I settled back into my normal routine and then the phone rang! Did we want the garage? Oh yeah, baby! We wanted the garage. We spent the weekend moving everything out of our storage unit and into the garage.
It’s totally stupid to be excited about having a private garage, but if you’d been what I’ve been through with parking garages over the last ten years, well, you’d be stinking excited too.
When I moved to New York I first rented a sweet little attic apartment above this retired couple from Italy. They were lovely and the arrangement worked well for three years. Every winter I dug myself and my landlords and the retired widow next door out of the snow. I didn’t mind – they really looked after me and my landlord would change the oil in my car for free.
Then C. asked me to move to Brooklyn with him. My heart leapt and oozed out of my chest and I quickly packed up all of my own worldly possessions and headed down the BQE. I rented a parking spot in a garage in Park Slope for a measly $350 A MONTH! I didn’t always have the same spot, in fact, sometimes my car would be on a lift. They beat the ever loving crap out of both of the cars that I had in that garage, the guys that worked there yelled at me and I had to shell out close to $800 in tips every Christmas. It was a lot of money for a lot of pain and my car’s look terrible as a result of their abuse.
So imagine my excitement at having a private two car garage attached to my home! No more looking for a parking space, digging out of the snow or being yelled at in several different languages while I wait for my car to be brought down from a lift for me. Cost for this garage is so minimal, I won’t even tell you. It’s not even half of what I paid for the Brooklyn space.
I have garage glow. I can’t help it. My world is very small.
Other updates:
- I'm going to Rhinebeck! I'm working so hard to get rid of my knitblock right now, I'm doing to two row scarf with some stash yarn, but this weekend I'm writing out my projects and then C. and head up to Rhinebeck this month! I've never been - it is the knitter's mecca...people fly in from other countries to go to this fiber and wool festival. Can't. Wait. Seriously.
- Huge Halloween plans - I mean, I live in Sleepy Hallow now, it's gonna be a huge time of year. Oh, and Sadie has a costume. You'll die of the cuteness - I'm saving it for you.
Till next time, it's all the news that fit toknit!
Sadie says, wooooooffff, wooffff, woooofff.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
My father in law is very sick and it makes me so sad and scared and mad. Everything in the whole world feels less important than it did two months ago. He’s always on my mind and every moment that we spend away from home feels like a waste of time.
The dog is sick – at least, she isn’t eating and she looks really tired and I’ve got to tell you that a sick dog is not what C. and I need right now. We love her desperately and now her every sigh or itch has me snapping to attention. (Updated: we think Sadie is fine, she just going through some food issues).
Work is over the top busy – in a good way and though it keeps my mind off of the things that are always somewhere on my mind, I could use a little down time and a nap.
I think the only thing that I can do to make things better is get some stuff on the needles. I think I need a project, something to do with my freaking ineffectual hands. Why am I not a cancer curing doctor, veterinarian, CEO, millionaire? Let me tell you, it would make things a lot easier.
In preparation for our last trip to NC, C. and I hit Barnes and Noble to pick up some reading material. Neither of us does well without a book shoved into our backpacks. We usually split up as soon as we hit the bookstore and go to our various interest sections and then catch up with each other near the cook books.
I was on my way to the knitting section when my thrifty eye caught sight of the clearance table. Always on the look out for a bargain I swung by. Just as I got to last section of the table, I hit gold. Knitting Books! On clearance! Vogue Knitting: Socks Two On the Go! and Vogue Knitting Stitchionary 3, The Best of Vogue Knitting, Cover Up with Nicky Epstein and Knitting Never Felt Better by Nicky Epstein. I paid $1.80 for each book – a true bargain. I love a good bargain! I’m also looking forward to reading through them and knitting up some of the patterns. They go nicely in my knit book library.

Summer is almost over (thank goodness). I’m looking forward to fall and cool weather and regular season football. Go Steelers (some small pleasures will endure forever).
For now, this is all the news that’s fit to knit.
Friday, August 07, 2009
As far as knitting goes, thanks to my good friends over at Ravelry, I'm back on track with my February Lady sweater...if by back on track you mean starting over... I am going to start over, but plan on making 3/4 length sleeves to solve my missing skein of yarn problem. I love those guys and gals over at Rav so much!
Last week we were in NC visiting my in-laws. What's that old saying about the inlaws and the outlaws? Well, as far as as these folks go, I hit the jackpot when I picked C. out for my husband. They're terrific.
We've been trying to be helpful in cleaning out my Grandmother in law's house (GMIL) (we sadly lost her a little more than a year ago) when we're in town. Many generations of my husband's family have laid their heads to rest in the home and we've been going slowly as we sort through the history and the memories. Saying goodbye to a house can be sad - they become a part of the family. Anyway, my mother in law (MIL) asked if I would stop by GMIL's house with her while we were out doing an errand. We walked up the steps of the creaky porch, in much need of a new coat of paint and into the house that smells a little musty because we leave it closed up so much now. It still has GMIL's style written all over it. The beautiful furniture, the linens, the pictures. You can tell that there was love in the house.
Into the kitchen we went where my MIL asked me if we'd like to take GMIL's pie safe. It's a handmade beauty with the tin punch fronts and all. I said that we would of course be thrilled to have it in our home. C. was delighted when he found it snugged into the back of the wagon later that afternoon. In order to take the pie safe we had to unload it. GMIL had stocked it full of cook books in the time that she had the piece. Unloading the cookbooks was like a walk through her history. We found treasures like the Pillsbury's New 1953 Cook Book. In 1952 Mrs. P. Harlib of Chicago won $25K with her recepie for Turtle Cookies. What would it have been like to win $25K in 1952? That's a lot of money now! It must have been a fortune then.
Also shoved into the pie safe were copies of Heloise's Housekeeping Hints. I've been enjoying reading my way through these treasured books and encountering tips from Heloise that remain pertinant today like: "Never take anyone with you when shopping if you can possibly help it. You don't save anything by sharing a ride to the grocery store with a friend. She'll only remind you to buy all the specials you don't need and to try the wonderful bread she uses! Go shopping alone even if you have to go in a taxi." Good stuff. She also talks about Weevils and Olio.
So the knitting should return tonight - I've got a lot of work to do as C. and I have some upcoming travel ahead of us. For now, this is all the news that's fit to knit.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Mom came to visit and we had a great time

Above: Sadie gets a bone - she's really happy about this.

Above: At Sunnyside - this tree has been growing since before the American Revolution. Wouldn't you like to ask the tree what it's seen? Wild.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ireland part two

The wedding was beautiful and Aisling wore this amazing dress- she looked like a Greek goddess. Chris did an amazing job reading and the service was lovely. I could’ve listened to the Father in his deep Irish brogue talk about commitment to God and each other for hours. It was a lovely ceremony and very much Jon and Aisling. I was so happy for them.
The wedding reception was a blur of delish food and much, much red wine. I was reunited with my dear friend Britta and spent much time catching up and enjoying the good friends that we made while there. We drank a lot of wine.
The next day we met Britta and Steve and headed out for the Guinness Factory. It was terrific! We toured, we sampled and we hit the gift shop. I must remember to post for you a picture of me wearing my “Tall, Dark and Have Some Guinness” shirt. You’ll love it as much as I do!
Our penultimate day was spent at Glendalough – a tenth century monastic ruin. It bewitched me completely with its beauty and history and landscape. Glendalough was and is everything you want in your
We flew home on Monday on a comfortable flight. I took in three movies (Slumdog Millionaire,
It’s been a busy week since we returned. Like I said, we’ve been thinking a lot about others. Chris and I have been far behind in our charitable giving. I believe in giving, I believe we are expected to be of a giving nature. This weekend we happened to find someone who is very much in need of our help. We’ve adopted an 8-year old Spaniel named Sadie from a local animal shelter. We’re not sure how many years we’ll have with Sadie, but I will promise you this: Chris and I are going to make them the best she’s ever had. I’ll tell you more about her past in another entry. You’re tired of reading now, aren’t you?
I’ve got knitting on the needles and a house with a doggie in it! So for now, this is all the news that’s fit to knit.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Come on in - let's talk about Ireland...

I recommend
We landed in

Thursday, June 04, 2009
A Tease...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
It's Saturday night and I've got a glass of wine and

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I started knitting a new scarf, but don't have any pictures. You can imagine that it's all about moving here right now. We're sorting, chucking out and packing up boxes. The movers come next Saturday. We need to get in gear with the packing - we're being a little lazy.
Anyway - it's going to be a little quiet around here while we keep things moving forward. I'll be back! Thanks for checking in. xooxox - for now, it's all the news that's fit to knit.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
The dotted line has been signed upon and...
More later, the Heels are playing tonight! Till later, this is all the news that's fit to knit!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
A New Look For Spring and an update for you

Till later, that's all the news that's fit to knit!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
C. had to work and I'm trying to purge...
I've been thinking about the new condo almost non-stop. We pick up our keys on April 10th and will have a few weeks to move everything over. One of the great features of the new condo is that we'll have two full bathrooms - one for each of us! We'll have an "on-suite" bath and each of us has their own closet in the master. We won't know what to do with ourselves. It's been five years since I've had a closet to myself - the small things make me happy.
We are on the waiting list for the private garage next to our new abode. I am hopeful that this won't take long - my desire for storage is almost overwhelming.
C. has been gone for less than an hour and I miss him terribly. Since December we haven't been apart for more than a handful of hours and I am so used to his steady presence that the prospect of a day without him makes me a little melancholy. I know that he'll be back tonight and I look forward to hearing about his day.
I have finished knitting the Diamonds and Pearls shawl and need to block it today. It's dank and rainy and the pictures will be awful, so I hope to share it tomorrow. Till then, this is all of the news that's fit to knit.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Them: "Hello Yarnal, this is the lady who decides if you get to come and live in our really nice condo complex. You know, the one with the cathedral ceilings, the sky lights, the bay windows and central air conditioning? The one with your very own washer and dryer in your condo? The one with the upstairs and the downstairs?"
Me: "Yes - I believe we filled out the history of our lives application".
Them: "You did indeed. I'm happy to tell you that we will now let you through the gate. You have been accepted."
Me: "Fantastic. We'll take it!"
Them: "Of course you will. Now show up this weekend with an obscene check and we're all set."
Me: "Will do."
The search is over - and you can see a glimpse of our new condo on the right side of this blog under the "Next on Yarnal Knowledge".
In knitting news - I'm moving near a great yarn shop! More on that later and I'm casting off on the diamonds and pearls shawl from KBOY. Pictures soon!
Till next time, it's all the news that's fit to knit!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Real Update
So now we're on hold until Thursday. Are you on the edge of your seat? Are you wondering if your dear YarnalKnowledge will be blogging from under a bench in Prospect Park? Will she never get out of the city? I'm worried too!
Till Thursday, it's all the news that's fit to knit!
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Search Goes On
We've received the returned end lease agreement from our current landlord and it seems we both agree that it's time for C. and I to move to a new place. Their need to raise the rent a whopping 5.5% was too much for my husband's blood pressure. That's just a mighty big raise in these times. Both of our offices are now operating out of Westchester County, so it looks like our city living days are soon to be behind us.
There are things that I'll miss about the city and there are things that I won't miss at all.
- Of course, I understand that the readers of this blog will certainly miss the continuing announcements of where we are in the mouse v. us situation. Every time we think we have those punks conquered, they're back. So I won't miss that.
- I will miss the mile high ceilings and the excellent lay out of the space in this apartment - my exposed brick wall, the rarest thing that is my NYC dishwasher.
- I won't miss my upstairs neighbors. I heard them leave at around 10 AM this morning and their dog (a mastiff) in our no pets building, has been barking his head off since the second the door closed. It's 5:13 PM as I type this post. I hope to goodness he's also chewing up their sofa. I'm so tired of the sadness of his woof.
- I will miss Russo's, their fresh pasta and mozzarella cheese is to.die.for.
- I will not miss paying the parking garage hundreds a month to beat the ever living crap out of my car. We brought the car in looking spanking new; it is not leaving that way.
- I will miss the ease of getting into the city. The F from Park Slope is pretty good.
- I will not miss walking twelve blocks each way to the grocery store.
- I will miss the incredible delivery that's available here.
I could go on and on. There are big swings in what I love and hate about city life. We're moving to a place where needs will be met much easier. Places with more living space for less money, new fixtures and things like private garages that are included in your rent, but we do give up the city and a lot the good things that come with city living. I guess we'll have to see how it goes, but I have a feeling that the suburbia girl is going to be headed to familiar surroundings 14 miles north of Manhattan.
For now, this is all the news that's fit to knit.