Oh - you read this blog for knitting? My deep apologies, dear friends, I have been knitting, but have also been sidetracked by things like writing wedding thank you notes, the election, a foray into scrap booking for the wedding and NaNoWriMo - which is going better than I thought it would be. But I have been knitting. In fact, see the below scarf which I'm calling "the oopsey scarf" because I meant to do a totally different stitch pattern that I adapted from a book, but realized about six inches into it that I'd made the mistake and that I loved the mistake. I just love those kinds of things, don't you?

This is made from SeaCell Yarn, gifted to me by my mother-in-law. It's seaweed, wool and silk and it is the most wonderful thing you've ever wrapped around your neck. I should give it to her for Christmas, but I've been wearing it around the house since it came off of the needles:

This week, I'll show you a knitting failure...if I can bring myself to. It's a tale of why you really should check your gauge, or risk wasting five knitting days on a beret that could fit three heads. But when you walk on the knitting edge like me, you take those risks and sometimes you end up with a giant beret that even your friend with the biggest head you've ever seen couldn't wear.
Also this week, or next weekend, I'm pulling out the sewing machine to make a new table cover and possibly something else. It's time to learn to use that machine the right way. We're headed home to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving and I might need to have a session with mom and Rachel. Threading the damn thing makes me sweat (and swear).
Till then, it's all the news that's fit to knit! (and it's Steeler Sunday! GO STEELERS!)
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