Friday, February 22, 2008

It's What's Happening:

1. I'm feeling badly about the fact that I haven't posted to this blog in a few weeks.

2. We've just said goodbye to our favorite Englishman who's now safely back in Ireland. (The house is empty without you Johnny).

3. I am dancing a jig of happiness that Monday is the beginning of my last week of commuting. I officially become a "work from home" gal as of March. Loss of time in commuting, showering and dressing for work will come to an end. Bunny slippers and cold cream conference calls are in my future.

4. I've ordered a desk for myself from Target. This goes against the rule I made two years ago that condemned buying furniture that required that we assemble it with an allen wrench. Sigh.

5. It was a snow day here, but because I work from home on Fridays already, I was screwed.

6. I am re-watching every episode of Gilmore Girls on DVD and really wondering what AS-P had in mind for those last four words. This show was so freaking good. Except for the last season. We won't talk about that.

7. I spent $55 at Rite Aid today. That happens to me once a year - I spend an un-heard of amount of money at a drug store. I am still uncertain of how that bill got to be so high, but I think it was the new makeup line that sucked me in.

8. If I don't find a Wii for sale soon, I may kick something.

9. The wedding planning is totally and completely stalled and both of our mothers are to blame.

10. Barnes and Noble in NYC and Park Slope, Brooklyn have awesome displays of Pat Lewis' book, When the Claws Come Out. I bought a copy and am going back for pictures and another copy tomorrow. If you haven't bought it, get wit it.

11. After a tip off from my friends at Ravelry, I've come to find out that my first name and my new last name to be are already taken as email addresses. I settled for a hotmail account and smartly reserved the damn thing seven months before the wedding. Everything has to be done months before the wedding. Thanks, Ravelry. Now I don't have to be kristinhislastname1111122222233334444ATsomethingDOTcom.

You know the line, for now, this is all the news that's fit to knit.

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