From Me & Chris - we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
Till Next year, this is all the news that's fit to knit!
Knitting through it all :: A blog about knitting and my life from our new perch in North Carolina.
From Me & Chris - we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
Till Next year, this is all the news that's fit to knit!
Chris asked me for a new hat - one that would cover his ears better for this winter. I cast on for my normal rolled brim hat. He likes the skull cap kind of hat with just a tad more length. The light is washing out the color on this wool - it's a rich, dark black. I love it. I hope C. will too!
This is my Christmas knitting pile. We're getting there. The scarf (and I have three other scarves too) and the fingerless knits should make great stocking stuffers. I hope folks will love these. Check out the cool crock that Kelly, Dani and Heather gave me for the wedding. I love it!
Here's a better look at the cables on the mitts. The pink shows them off nicely and I think they're the sweetest little cables that really give the mitts some polish.
Lots and lots of knitting happening here at chez Yarnal Knowledge. I also need to make some pies tonight. I'm making pumpkin! I have a secret ingredient. I love having a secret ingredient! It's so...secret!
So until next week - I wish you all a very thankful Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. I think I love it because I really, really, really know how lucky I am. I can't believe Chris married me. I can't believe how cool my mom is and my brother and his family are so awesome. My in-laws are the best and I love them so much - I've got the best friends in the world. I have a warm bed, a good job and the ability to knit. I'm a lucky gal. Enjoy your blessings this year too!
Until then, it's all the news that's fit to knit!
This week, I'll show you a knitting failure...if I can bring myself to. It's a tale of why you really should check your gauge, or risk wasting five knitting days on a beret that could fit three heads. But when you walk on the knitting edge like me, you take those risks and sometimes you end up with a giant beret that even your friend with the biggest head you've ever seen couldn't wear.
Also this week, or next weekend, I'm pulling out the sewing machine to make a new table cover and possibly something else. It's time to learn to use that machine the right way. We're headed home to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving and I might need to have a session with mom and Rachel. Threading the damn thing makes me sweat (and swear).
Till then, it's all the news that's fit to knit! (and it's Steeler Sunday! GO STEELERS!)