It was all a big set up so that Chris could ask me to marry him!
I said yes!
I'm engaged!
The entire trip to my family cabin - which started out as a birthday trip for Chris and evolved into our "parents meeting" and then evolved into our brother's and their entire families coming along ended with me in a mountain top meadow - being proposed to. And every single member of the family knew about it. My sweet Christopher gave everyone a role to play in getting me to the right place at the right time - and I've come to find out that my family can lie to me with such precision that it's scary!
When we came back from the proposal spot, our families were waiting outside of the cabin cheering for us. There were tears, there was champagne, there was laughter and good food and tons of stories being told. We even had birthday cake. It was everything I would've wanted had I known it was happening. All of our loved ones were there to celebrate with us - it was the most beautiful day of my entire life. Chris gave me priceless memories for our engagement - what a way to start this wedding journey. It was a good day.
So - the knitting is a tiny bit slow for the next few days as we share the news, start the first of the plans, etc... Stick with me - there might be some wedding talk here too.
Oh - and to my fellow Steelers knitters: I just found out that you can rent Heinz field for your wedding reception. Too much?
For now, that's all the news that's fit to knit!
How wonderful!!!
Thank you so much! My head is spinning with plans! How do people plan these things???
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