Hi. Um... how do I say I'm sorry for waiting another few years to make a post on a blog no one is reading any longer? How about a top ten list?
10. I've got a four year old who's demanding of all of my time.
9. I've got a husband and a four year old who like clean clothes.
8. They also seem found of eating.
7. And sleeping - that one's for me, I love sleeping.
6. I've been reading a lot in my free time.
5. Just started a new job this year - full time! Yay!
4. Boy, top ten lists get really hard to commit to.
3. Maybe that was my problem, I'm not great at commitment...
2. Did I mention that I have a four year old now? I feel like that counts for two.
1. The knitting has been spotty for all of the above reasons.
Well, after nearly five years, we're still in North Carolina. Small town southern living is a constant surprise to this Yankee. The rules, steeped in hundreds of years of tradition, seem to change from day-to-day around here. Regardless, this small southern town has charmed me, and we're pretty happy here. On owning a business: if you're about to take the plunge and own a business let me give you this sage advice: everything is going to take twice as long as you think it will!
I hope to get back to more regular blogging and I'm not so worried that no one is reading this... it's for me!