Since we lost my friend Adam I'm finding it really hard to move through the grief, but one thing that has been helping me is my knitting. Maybe its creating something new that's helping me; maybe its thinking about something else, I'm not sure - but it makes it hurt a little less.
In easier news, our dear friends in Ireland had a beautiful baby boy and I've knitted up this sweater for him. I hope it'll still fit! If not, they can save it for their next baby!
We've had a wee bit of snow here in NYC...sorry for the shot through the screen, but our backyard was amazing - snow clinging to everything! Had to show you.
Someone else enjoyed the snow too....
Sadie isn't a huge fan of her coat, but I am! She loves to eat snowflakes as they fall and is unashamed to stick her whole face in a pile of snow. I love it! Of course, she gets to being a princess when her paws get cold and she wants to hitch a ride home. We're cruel, we've only carried her twice. She's totally put out by that statistic.
I'm entered in the RavOlympics. For those non-knitters out there, this is the Ravlery (read: the mecca portal for knitters - a place where we manage projects, share information and generally interact with other knitters) Olympic Games. The idea is to choose a project that will challenge you and you cast on not a moment before the torch is lit during the opening ceremonies and you have the length of the Olympics (14 days) to complete your project before they extinguish the flame during the closing ceremonies. If you complete your project and post proof to the finish line post in the forums then you win a virtual gold medal. It's all in good fun and a great way to enjoy the Olumpics and your knitting at the same time.

I am on Team I Did - hanging with my other newlyweds
So tomorrow you can track my progress here as well - on Saturday I hope to update where I am with my starting line.
For tonight, this is all the news that's fit to knit!