It's laying on a skein of yarn that I was about wind up for the Wedding Blanket. If you haven't heard, I've been working on a Queen sized blanket. It was supposed to be done for our wedding, but I'm sure you can understand how many stitches that is and how freaking big it is and then you can imagine me in my apartment this summer with no central air and you'll forgive me for not picking this up again until the weather was cold again. I'm working on it every night and I'd saw we're not quite half done. I keep having to stop and wind yarn. I do several skeins at a time, but still....
I just picked my next project and plan on casting on tonight. This is the "Simple Yet Effective Shawl" by Laura Chau. This is another Ravelry pattern. I'm using Farmhouse Yarns Cotton Blossom Yarn by Dixie:
In the reading world, I've made another yarn book purchase this week (this ends my hard copy barnes and noble Christmas gift cards - still have $100 online though, so I'm working on my library) by picking up Knitting America by Susan Strawn:
If you're interested in the history of knitting in America, then this is the book for you (and for me too)! I've been thinking a lot about the roots of this hobby and this book has been a really fun look at how it grew in early America and where it is today. There are some neat old patterns in here as well. This book and The Knitter's Book of Yarn will really keep me busy for awhile - there's just a ton of information to digest, but it sure has been fun.
Speaking of books, we finally took our Christmas tree down and that's important because it means that we could finally set up our second bookcase:
My knitting books had been in sorry shape on the floor of my bedroom. They finally have a happy home and I have access to them too. Our cookbooks got a new and accessible home too - thank goodness! I think the easy access has made the husband so happy that I might finally get him to invest in the big Billy Bookcases that I've had my eye on over at Ikea!
So for now, this is all the news that's fit to knit!