We carved up our pumpkin this week - I love this guy! For some strange reason, I think he needs a cigar!

Here's our Mr. Potato Head pirate pumkin. This was a great idea - for about two days...then I discovered the mold...it was gross! But for those two days, we just loved this guy. I think these do better sitting outside on a cold front stoop - something that doesn't really exist in Brooklyn.
People often ask me when I'm home what we do for Halloween in the city. Since trick-or-treating isn't the safest in apartment buildings, the neighborhood that I live in throws a giant parade and the kids trick-or-treat to all of the businesses down the main drag of Park Slope. It's a genius idea when you think about it - ensuring that the kids are safe and anyone with a costume can march in the parade. We go to see the costumes on kids, adults and the dogs! It's always a blast. I hope you have a great Halloween too!
Knitting - I finished my "mistake" scarf and I'm decreasing on a grey beret for the upcoming winter. Pictures and notes to come! Till then, it's all the news that's fit to knit! Spooky!