The bridal luncheon was last weekend and I had such a lovely time. Eight dear friends came to have lunch and share their favorite recipes with me for my wedding. It was one of those moments when I felt like I was finally allowed to sit at the grown ups table. From my sister in law to my kindergarten teacher, I love those ladies so much! And Helen created such a lovely table and made such a delicious lunch. Sigh – I wish I could visit with them every single weekend. And I walked away with Helen’s recipe for fudge sauce (trust me, you’re jealous), Anita’s baked pineapple recipe, Rachel’s margarita’s, Diane’s drunken weenie’s, Pearl’s Amaretto Bread Pudding (loved the Busy Day Gourmet), Rozella’s Texas Sheet Cake Recipe (my brother wants all of the women in his life to be able to make this cake so he can have it any time he hangs his hat at one of our houses) and my mom’s overnight salad – deeeelish!
We’re at 89 days till the “I do’s” and I’m shocked that this date is coming at me so quickly. Chris and I are headed down to NC at the end of June for a shower and then back out to PA in July for another.
During all of this time I’ve finally ordered my invitations. The internet has made invitation ordering both quick and terrifying. On one hand, I didn’t have to order my invitations and wait three months for printing (thusly forcing me to set the time of the wedding and reception long before I really knew how I wanted the wedding to happen), but on the other hand if something is wrong with the invitations – it’s squarely on my shoulders. I had to type in all of the information, I had to write all of the text by myself … if there’s a problem there is no printer person to unfairly blame – it’s just going to be my goof. Gulp.
According to the website where I ordered my invitations they should be shipping out today. If all goes well, I should have those suckers in my hot little hand by next week at the latest. I’m hoping to beg my future SIL in NC to help me address them while we’re down there. It’s going to be a big task to tackle on my own.

In the mean time, when it’s not too hot, I’m working on this little scarf and thinking that I might head back and knit a favorite scarf of mine called
branching out from a past knitty.com recipe.
Next up: Trying to get through another week of work. It’s the last thing I want to think about!
Till next time, that’s all the news that’s fit to knit!