Here's the front view:
I didn't get to finish the first socks - I'm five decrease rounds from grafting the toe closed because my mom was very, very, very chatty on the phone tonight and I didn't have access to my hands free set. Lord knows that lady's given up a lot for me in bringing me up, so I didn't mind that these will probably be closed up tomorrow morning / evening between that darned thing called work.
I also picked up a new hair cut over the holiday weekend. Chop, chop. You might remember from earlier posts that I had hair down to my shoulders. I went for a change in a big way and I really like it. Judge for yourself:
Here's the hair from the back - I'm digging those natural curls!

I haven't ever had hair this short, but I'm loving it as the temps really start pumping up this Spring / Summer. I get out of the shower, shove some gel in there and through the miracle of life it comes out looking like it did when I left the salon.
I also want to give a shout out of congratulations to one of my best girlfriends, Danielle - she and her husband Mark had a beautiful baby girl this weekend - welcome to the world, Hailey Rose. When Dani's feeling up to it, I'll get her to send a picture to post. What makes you smile more than cute new babies? Maybe puppies are a close second, but I just know that Hailey Rose is beautiful - I look forward to showering her with a knitted surprise!
Tonight, I'm off to bed and that's all the news that's fit to knit!
PS - no cracks about my need for a pedicure!